Explore Dr. Stephanie’s diverse collection of books, writings, and recordings.
New Writings
Dr. Stephanie’s newest project, “Confronting Crisis: How to Blunt the Trauma of Life’s Hard Times”, aims to help anyone who has faced life’s puzzling challenges as it draws on Dr. Stephanie’s diverse educational background to help those in need. Stay updated on the journey by following on Instagram and subscribing to emails!
This is what I’m working on now — it needs to be shared!
I’ve been so busy with family and work matters in general—and more so due to pandemic adjustments—that I’ve been delayed in looking for an agent and/or publisher for this book. (Or perhaps I should self-publish it. We’ll see.)
Here’s a bit more about it:
Trouble happens. When I first started writing this book, I was only including the “every day” troubles that affect so many individuals and families, like family separation, divorce, abuse, violence, substance abuse, job loss, prejudice. suicide, suicide, the death of a human, pet, or dream, and, yes, practical and existential concerns about climate change.
As I continued to work on it, mass shootings became more common, so I worked a bit in on that, and since then we’ve entered the covid-19 pandemic. While the mass shootings may have gone down during the lock down-style pandemic restrictions, we are still been dealing with the “normal” challenges of life but even more so! Add to the ramping up of troubles due to pandemic, we are seeing tensions, shifts, and action around social justice matters.
So there is no better time for this book! Part of me wishes I’d gotten it out there BEFORE the pandemic as it’d be a good read to help individuals and families during this hard time, but the silver lining is that it has given me the opportunity to add a little content that speaks to what’s happening now.
A real upside of this book is it is wide-ranging in helping folks wrap their heads around life’s hard times. Even if each topic it touches on hasn’t happened to you, it’ll help you better understand and feel some empathy for what others are experiencing.
Another upside is it is really easy to read. Despite the tough topics, it is written in a way that doesn’t get too heavy or preachy. It’s written for adults (and teens, I suppose), but the language and style is almost like a children’s book with lots of dialogue to help readers get a sense of how they might enter conversations with others if they want to talk about these things to others or explain things to, say, curious kids who ask tough questions about the sad, bad, and/or confusing stuff they see in the world around them. As such, maybe the “working” book cover I have here needs to change…maybe something that indicates a bit of hope as well.
Explore Dr. Stephanie’s diverse array of books to expand your mind and your success.
Legendary Locals of Tempe
Tempe started collaboratively, and its innovative citizens continue to work together, creatively solving problems and capitalizing on opportunities in the landlocked 40 square miles surrounded by Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler, and Guadalupe. The vision began with freighter Charles Trumbull Hayden, who worked with Mexican settlers to optimize the productivity of the valley south of the Salt River with his ferry, canal building, and milling activities in 1870, and continued with the 1885 founding of the Territorial Normal School, now Arizona State University.
Subsequently, Tempe has remained successful due to both individual innovations, like creating Big Surf, the first man-made wave pool in the United States, and city-led initiatives like the development of Tempe Town Lake, which reinvigorated the shore line of a river bottom frequently left dry since the implementation of a dam system.
Tempe is an exciting town. I wrote this book after writing the ASU history book (scroll down for more on that). In researching and interviewing for the ASU book, I encountered so many great people who helped make Tempe what it is but they were not a good fit for the ASU history book. So I had to write this to honor some of them! Truly, Tempe and what became Arizona State University grew up together. As such, there are some great ASU-related people featured in this book (like ASU founder John S. Armstrong and current ASU President Michael Crow) making this book a great companion to the ASU History book.
What a contribution to the city of Tempe!
– A. V.
For anyone who's lived or worked in Tempe, this book is a fun trip down memory lane, reminding us of those who significantly affected the community over the years.
– R. E.
Anyone who loves Arizona will love this book. The city of Tempe represents the best of this state, and Dr. deLuse does a wonderful job of bringing its history to life.
– K. D.
Arizona State University (Campus History)
Arizona State University is an institution on the move.
Not only has it grown in size and enrollment exponentially over the past few decades, it has been the site of major research across multiple fields of study. But, how did it get there?
Every Sun Devil fan should have one. This is a great book for an alumni that has already got tons of clothing and other items.
– M. J.
I was so excited to find this book as a gift for my ASU graduate son. The photos are amazing and we all learned so much about the early campus - as beautiful then as now. Thanks for a great book.
- P.
A very nice book for an ASU fans or alumni.
– J. G.
I'm so happy to see some photographs and early history of some of the local Campus Ministries that were so much a part of the history of Arizona State University. University Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministries sits right next to all the new dorms just south of Apache and is still thriving and serving the students of all faiths. The Episcopal, Presbyterians, Mormons, Catholics and other faiths all contribute to the rich history of the University. Let's celebrate the diversity of this Campus. It's great to see that the authors join in celebrating this diversity.
– C.M.I.
I loved it!
- L. S.
What wonderful memories this book conjured up! So many familiar faces and events. If you attended ASU in the 50s, you will probably love the photos and accompanying texts. This is especially true for readers who lived on campus.
– G. E.
I love history and attended ASU, so I enjoyed the photos and descriptions of the early days of the university.
– L. B.
Pageant Interviewing Success: The Collected Series
Every pageant contestant looks lovely in her gown, so it is the interview - not the outer beauty - that determines who is crowned Queen.
Pageant Interviewing Success: The Collected Series will help you take home the crown, whether you are new to pageants or an experienced contestant who wants to take her performance to the next level.
This collected series is a compilation of smaller books available separately on Kindle. Now bound into paperback for your convenience—with an epilogue and additional photos not available in the smaller e-books—this well-organized collection addresses the issues above and many more. You can read this information-packed book from start to finish or, with the detailed table-of-contents and index, you can jump quickly to what you need into a step-by-step process to show you all the components that make up a successful interview. Pageant Interviewing Success: The Collected Series is easy to read, actually delivers on the claim of “most complete” resource, and is written by someone who has actually done what many pageant book writers have not – competed and taken home the crown.
"When you are asked a question by a pageant MC or a judge in an interview, your answer often holds the key to your winning the competition. This book will help you present your best self, with knowledge and confidence. As you will read, there are a lot of things that can contribute to your 'spontaneous' answers."
-Vonda Van Dyke, Miss America 1965
"Every pageant contestant, no matter how beautiful, can always improve her interview skills. Dr. Stephanie Raye will help you boost your brains and streamline your answers in Pageant Interviewing Success: The Collected Series. Her interviewing advice applies both on and off the stage. By the time you're done reading this book, you'll be able to shine like the queen you are!"
-Allison Stavrakis, Teen & Mrs. Minnesota International State Director & 1988 Mrs. Queen
"Dr. Stephanie's book is not just for beauty pageant contestants - it's for anybody looking to sharpen their interview skills. The book helped prepare me not only for pageants, but also for internships, jobs, and law school. I felt really lucky to have had this insightful advice. Thank you, Dr. Stephanie!"
-Jasmina Cerimagic, Former Miss Teen Arizona
"I read this comprehensive series of books on interviewing skills just to improve my interview skills in general as I wasn't sure I wanted to participate in a pageant at the time. Now I've learned more than I expected about interviewing, and now I'm more seriously considering entering a pageant for my personal and professional development."
-Samantha Perry, National Merit Scholarship Finalist
"The book is fabulous! It is highly informative, well organized, and very detailed. It would have been especially nice to have when I was new to the pageant interview world. (I could have avoided so many mistakes!)"
-Audrey Powell, Finalist in Miss Idaho-America
Kindle Books
While these kindle books focus on various aspects of pageant interviewing, the advice is right on-point to help folks prepare for most any interview. Scroll horizontally through the titles to see if there is something you could stand to brush up on, or read them all for interview insights and personal & professional tips you might not have even considered. Whether you are interested in pageants or not, you’ll also come to appreciate that many of them are focused on more than external beauty.
Click on the arrows to the right to scroll through several of Dr. Stephanie’s interview-related books.
Articles and Chapters
Here is a selection of other pieces I’ve written. Click on the images or titles to read.
There and Back Again: Learning from the History of a Freshman Seminar Sequence
A look at the foundations of Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University and it its signature course sequence "The Human Event."
On Bart's Choice
Reflection on suicide and resilience after loss.
My Morning with a Tree
We can see ourselves reflected in other forms of life. Pruning a tree reflect the growth and struggles of life and letting go.
What Jehovah's Witnesses Believe: A Sketch
Author reports on family experiences in the religion, clarifying myths and misunderstandings.
A Spiritual Death? The One-Eyed Doe Rises
On ostracism from religion and family, and on the seeds of recovery. Patriarchy is losing hold.
Coping with Stress…The Superhero Way
“Like superheroes, we humans are also confronted with stress. As deLusé points out in her essay, we can learn from the superheroes how to cope effectively with stress.”
–Robin S. Rosenberg, PhD
Lessons in Sharing
Brief flash nonfiction essays on two challenging life moments.
How to Win Friends and Influence Votes: Tips and Tricks for Winning Survivor
“Stephanie deLusé wishes to ensure that if we play, we'll play to win. She describes the important psychological processes of social comparison and attribution.”
–Richard J. Gerrig, PhD
More than Entertainment: Notes on a Spiritual Recovery and What Jossverse Gave Me that Religion and Therapy Didn’t
“With shameless vulnerability, deLusé reveals her deep reflections upon the Jossverse as a self-healing crucible. ”
–Joy Davidson, PhD
A Mother’s Love / A Father’s Love
Two “flashbulb” memories of double-edged attempts at easing the pain of divorce.
My Sister and Extreme Health
Two sisters' interior landscapes of hope and pain are revealed in this simultaneously "in the moment" and "retrospective" look at one sister's unusual journey through a maze of critical events and rare health crises.
Swan Song
Family secrets and tender appreciations surface at the party of a young man departing life too soon.
Effects of the Dads For Life Intervention on Interparental Conflict and Co-parenting in the Two Years After Divorce
A co-authored work on a program in which I played key roles in designing, scripting, testing, evaluating, and disseminating.
A Critical Review of Harvard’s Project Zero
An in-depth review of the wealth of Harvard’s Project Zero’s uncovers surprisingly “non-academic” patterns.
A Rigorous Quasi-Experimental Design to Evaluate the Causal Effect of a Mandatory Divorce Education Program
A review of the research designs, methods, and results of divorce education programs and the results of a particular, more rigorous study showing fathers' attendance in the program accounts for the results.
A well-received keynote lecture that makes decision-making less stressful and more successful. I just noticed the link to the CDBaby store has changed business models and no longer carries CDs! Until this is relisted, please contact me if you want to get one! :-)
Every decision is a crossroad of sorts and we each struggle to one degree or another with certain decisions at home or at work. Sometimes they truly are big decisions while other times we make mountains out of molehills. Either way, you can reduce the confusion, the worry, and the fear as you step on to the road.
This speech can help with your crossroads. Why do I say that?
Because every time I give this speech, audience members report finding it informative and enjoyable, such that it leads to more invitations to deliver the speech to additional groups, like international professional associations.
Do you avoid making decisions?
Do you wish you made better decisions?
Then contact me to get this CD or downloadable file until I get it situated up in Amazon or the like. (It used to be available via the CDBaby website but they recently stopped selling CDs!) Whatever way you get it, listening to this will start building your decision-making muscle.
Give it a listen. You’ll learn 3 keys, with practical tips for those, to help you reflect on your decision-making process—or lack of one! Should you decide to use the insights shared in this speech, you will bring structure and focus to your decision-making, and more peace and confidence to your life.
p.s. This comes with a helpful handout. [The physical CD tells you to get it from an older website of mine but, if you hit a snag, just email me and I’ll send it to you. :-) ]
Guided Relaxation Audio:
With our busy, hectic schedules, we often don’t find time to relax and renew. In modern times, it is essential to take time out of your day to pause with intention and meaning. This guided visualization will help. I know, there are lots of apps and options out there now, but this one is special. Why? In part because of the back-story:
The back-story:
Long ago, I had a triple-major student who was super-stressed out and one of her majors involved demanding field work and was full of old-school males who didn’t thing a young woman belonged in there. She shared her stress and distress with me.
So, back-in the-day when we still used cassette tapes, I recorded this visualization to help her out. She listened to it daily (sometimes twice-daily), especially on tough field days, and she loved. It helped her a lot. So much so that years later, after she graduated, she came back to thank me again for that help and said “You really need to share this with the world” and she gifted me with recording studio time to professionally record this.
So here it is, finally! Click on the image or title to buy it. You get two mp3 files—the are the same relaxing guided visualization but with different endings. One ending is for when you want to listen to it as you go to sleep, and the other ending is for when you want to return to your busy day freshly relaxed and renewed.
Ask yourself:
Do you sometimes (or often) feel anxious?
Are there times where you mind is spinning so much you can’t relax?
Do you have trouble falling asleep some nights? Too many nights?
Do you get fearful before certain events (like a test or an interview) and find that gets in the way of your performance?
Do you get upset and have trouble settling down in a healthy way?
Are you dealing with some extra stresses right now?
If you said yes to any of those questions, or have a sense of something similar about yourself, this set of mp3s might be useful to you. Contact me to get access to these until I get them up in Amazon or some other site that handles the delivery, etc. :-)